The Ancestral Family



Explore the branches, look within the trunk and dig into the deep roots of your ancestral family tree.


Transgenerational Roots and Branches 

Ancestral Constellations is a therapeutic process that can help you to explore the deep roots of your transgenerational family tree. It is a process developed for Diaspora communities and BIPOC families, who are looking for a model based on lived lives and embedded with cultural traditions and indigenous worldviews. This way of ‘storying’ transgenerational lives of colour  speaks to our presence in contemporary Western society and our inherited ancestral past.

We need the courage to look back and reclaim what has been taken, or is missing from family life today. We can find a way to re-grow ancestral lineage in our own image, by taking steps to make a difference for future generations. It is not so much a want or a willingness, rather it is  imperative if we are to change the patterns that keep many of our families entangled with the past and constrained by relational patterns that no longer honour or serve us.

Many people look at this ancestral healing process with a sense that something is intangible, magical or ‘otherworldly’. It is neither, it is the language of ‘spirit’ that speaks to the vibrational energy between the visible and the invisible world. A healing energy that exists between the living and those who have gone before and can now be viewed as our ancestors.

In Africa and other cultures around the world, the living and the dead are in relationship. One that is remembered down the generations and part of an intuitive way of viewing the world that has been lost to many in Western cultures. We have an opportunity to revisit the past, not to try to heal everything, but to RE-Member and Re-Connect so that we can bring harmony and more balance to our family systems. We often carry within us ………..

  • a deep yearning to know more about our ancestral transgenerational lines
  • a desire to acknowledge and reconnect to those who went before us, our ancestors
  • a willingness to RE-Member and RE-Claim older traditional ancestral practices
  • a reply to the ancestral call to learn about healing from an indigenous wisdom perspective

The Ancestral Constellations workshop or gathering in community has been developed in response to the ‘ancestral call’ and is for those who are seeking a way to respond.

Living Ancestry

Ancestral Constellations Gathering

25-26 May 2024 $250

This Ancestral Constellations 2-day workshop is an integration of family constellations and indigenous African healing rituals. It is a powerful way to connect with your ancestral roots and explore the vibrational energy within you family lineage. Come with an open heart and a willingness to participate on the day!


Your Facilitator

Sonya aka Makhosi Nyoni is an initiated Sangoma in the South African healing tradition and a family constellations facilitator. She integrates both to create a transgenerational process that can speak to BIPOC life, now and in the future. 

Our Approach

Ancestral Constellations and Atabey School of Cultural Healing have joined forces.  We will meet in NOLA May-June 2024. and create a gathering for the transgenerational work of healing family and community. This is soul work, uplifting and  liberatory, revealing and honouring the struggles and strengths of those who came before us, our ancestors!

Lean into Learn

Transgenerational Learning Circle

Saturday 1-2 June 2024 CANCELLED

This Ancestral Constellations 2-day learning circle is an integration of family constellations and indigenous African healing rituals. It is a powerful way to connect with your ancestral roots and explore the vibrational energy within you family lineage. Come with an open heart and a willingness to participate on the day!



In May 2024 there is an opportunity to book a In-person session with Makhosi Nyoni in NOLA, only 8 spaces are available so take a look and book your place. Can’t wait? During March and April there is an online offer, personal sessions at an introductory price. BOOK!

Mapping the Line

Ancestral Constellations explore your transgenerational line, looking at the current family system and relationships in the preceding ones. You can see connections to those you know now and honour and those who are out of sight behind you. This healing ritual can reconnect you to your ancestral past and release you from what is carried in this generation that is not yours, leaving it behind where it belongs, so that you can move forward movement into your own destiny. This is a short 3 minute video demonstrating the process in one of my consultation sessions.

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