Healing the Generational Line

Listen to the ancestral call!


“A diviner combines aspects of the healer, social psychologist, priest and social worker”
 Hirst (1990)

My birth name is Sonya and my initiated Sangoma name is Makhosi Nyoni. I have travelled to both West and South Africa, developing the skills and knowledge to become an African Traditional Healer. I integrate these learnings into my Western therapeutic practice, Ancestral Constellations.

The traditional healer is the first point of contact when there are health issues, mental or physical in many African cultures. Their role is as a ‘counsellor or griotte’ for the community, helping to maintain social order and guard traditional knowledge passed down from generation to generation.

In Diaspora communities of colour, we have become distanced from this knowledge, leading to a gap in our psychological and healing knowledge that Eurocentric training courses cannot fill. But we can reconnect to these older cosmologies and bring new information to our therapeutic work.

The healing retreats and learning immersions on offer provide a way to reclaim these ‘other ways of knowing’, drawing on the old and the new, the known and unknown. The purpose is to fill a gap in missing knowledge creating new paths for personal and professional transgenerational healing.


Detox your body & mind

The Ancestral Call 8-17 November 2024

The 2024 ANCESTRAL CALL RETREAT will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa. This is a women-only retreat and it has been curated to explore the deep connection between African traditional healing concepts and many Diaspora ancestral lines. You will find in the Ancestral Constellations process the indigenous wisdom of South Africa, we will focus on both. Book a Free 30-minute Discovery Call to get your questions answered, or click below to learn more.

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Amazed by the transformation..

“Thanks again for the powerful constellation session. I experienced lots of big realisations and processing that had been deeply subconscious up until then. Since the session I am seeing a clearer pathway for future healing and feel a lightness, peace and clarity around my family and ancestral dynamics that I haven’t felt before.”

Diahann Holder, Life Design & Leadership Mentor, Barbados, 2023


Open your ears to the ancestors and you will understand the language of spirits.”

African proverb

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Email: The Ancestral Call

Transgenerational Healing Retreat     7th -18th November 2024 Johannesburg, South Africa

Contact us HERE


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